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Lovin' the Enemy Series

Hi everyone! It's been too long since I wrote anything in my blog so today I want to drop a little bit of history on how Lovin' the Enemy was created.

When I started writing Lovin' the Enemy, I was no more than 12 or 13 years old. I know you might not believe that, but it's the truth. Back then, the title I chose for it was kind of corny. I called it Forbidden Love. I really couldn't come up with anything better, but hey, it made for one hell of a story. What was I thinking starting this series? I was too young to know anything about love. Let me tell you a secret, one my parents never knew about. I was constantly in the library bringing home tons of Romance or Romantic suspense books. I especially loved the dangerous, crime mixed with a little bit of a love story.

This was every weekend. I would finished the books in a week and go back for more on the weekend. It never failed. Writing Lovin' the Enemy was out of the ordinary for me. At that age, I was writing about teen drama, but I was used to reading something about heroes coming to a woman's rescue and falling in love with her, but I didn't have any of this in mind when I wrote Lovin' the Enemy. I thought about a man with a bad family falling for a good girl. I thought about how those tough, hardcore, sometimes mean men need love too. Jullian Kincaid from Lovin' the Enemy somewhat fell into this category and I've gotten comments on how the readers loved him. His brother, Russell was ten times worse than he was, but I was afraid, literally to write about him until a reader mentioned that it would be good if he fell in love with the main character's sister from Lovin' the Enemy and that's when He's No Angel: Lovin' the Enemy was born. I cried like a baby when I ended this series because I was so in touch with my characters and I actually missed them when I was done. I had a love/hate relationship with some of my characters and others I just could not stand. So there it is. Is it my favorite series? Well, it's a tie between this and A Twisted Love Affair. I hope you get a chance to read Lovin' the Enemy and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions, or if you just want to chat.

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